April 2012

Day 4: You Find Out Who Your Friends Are

April 4, 2012

Today was one of those days where the “everything that can go wrong will” principle was very much in play. I awoke with a bad headache, fever, and generally felt horrible. I began the day and my Cleanse ritual without much enthusiasm and it all went downhill from there. Nothing truly traumatic happened but paired […]

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Day 3: Inside the Challenge

April 3, 2012

Since my post on Sunday, people have been asking me for more details on The 24 Day Challenge. Strangers stop me on the street (Facebook) begging for the inside scoop and asking me question after question: Is it a cleanse? Is it a diet? Is it really challenging? How much longer until we can go for […]

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Day 2: Two New Recipes

April 2, 2012

An essential part of The 24 Day Challenge is eating an appropriate amount of protein (at least 10 grams at each lunch and dinner) and limiting carbs (max of 30 grams at lunch and dinner). For dinner they even suggest that you eat only a lean meat and vegetables (starches don’t count!). I’m a bit […]

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Day 1: Challenge Accepted

April 1, 2012

My trainer, Katy, and I recently embarked on a little journey called The 24 Day Challenge by AdvoCare. I’m not really one for restrictions, plans, or generally being told what to do so this is WAY outside of my comfort zone. But when Katy approached me about teaming up with her to face this challenge I […]

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